
View Disk Usage with Disk Space Fan 4

Disk Space Fan 4 is a tool for quickly scanning drives or folders and viewing disk usage. It is very easy to use, and has a colorful display that allows you to quickly view which folders or files are using disk space.  Scans are reasonably fast, and the program remembers and can quickly show the […]


Viewing Disk Usage using FolderSizes

FolderSizes is a program that makes it easy to see your whole disk and how it is being used. Scan times are reasonable, and reports include bar and map graphs, largest file reports, and more. Some fo the program features: Duplicate File Reports Largest File Reports File Type and Attribute Reports Temporary File Reports Oldest […]


Disk Usage with STG FolderPrint Plus

Checking your disk usage with STG FolderPrint Plus is very easy – just choose a disk, press Scan and see your whole Disk Usage at once. You can view your whole disk usage at once, including a display bar for each folder and file. Really fast scans! Up to millions of files at once. Find […]